Pizza Varieties

I try to have one day a week when I do not eat meat.  Usually that day is Monday.  Often I struggle to come up with a pleasing menu for my meals that day.  I’ve done grilled cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs, a couple of kinds of quiche which use just vegetables and no meat in them, pasta with just tomato sauce, etc.  But one of my favorite choices would be pizza — if I could find an appropriate one to buy.

At the supermarket where I normally shop they have what seems to me to be a gazillion brands of pizza … pepperoni, sausage, four meats … with the lowly cheese pizza being the only meatless choice.  I even commented to the checker the last time I shopped for pizza there (buying the cheese one) that it would be nice if the makers were more imaginative when it came to toppings.  Let’s face it, a pizza is basically an open face sandwich and at least in theory, you could put any number of things on there.

Well, Wal-Mart and Freschetta to the rescue.  I don’t often grocery shop at Wal-Mart but yesterday I needed to pick up several items in the store so wandered into the grocery section.  Freschetta had a roasted portabello mushroom/spinach/garlic pizza.  May I just say it was YUMMY!  No more plain boring cheese pizza for me.

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1 Response to Pizza Varieties

  1. ray says:

    Here’s a couple of other alternatives:

    Make your own pizza with Boboli which is sold in most grocery stores. It’s just the crust. You add toppings and sauce. In addition to being handy it’s usually healthier as you control the amount of cheese, etc.

    The other suggestion is polenta, a kind of corn meal mush. It can be topped with sauteed mushrooms, garlic, cheese, olives, tomato or whatever else you like. It’s very easy to make and wonderful in taste. Let me know what you think. Here’s a link to some fancier recipes.

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