Where’s The Fall Color

Normally by this time, the trees around are a blaze of color. Some times the leaves have already fallen off. This year the leaves are stubbornly clinging to the branches and their green color.

The newspaper this morning gave a few hints for drives where the fall colors are in evidence. The author of the article also said the lack of color is due in part to the drought we had the last few years. According to him, the frost we had the other night would neither help nor hinder the onset of fall color.

I wish Mother Nature would get her act together. I look forward to seeing trees ablaze with color at this time of year.

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2 Responses to Where’s The Fall Color

  1. sweetsaige says:

    I know how you feel! Living in AZ, the leaves NEVER change colors here!!!!

  2. fillyjonk says:

    We never get much fall color because we tend to be so dry. Most of the color actually happens in people’s yards, where they irrigate their trees. Generally the leaves just turn sort of rusty looking and fall off. (Some of the oaks keep their dead, dried-up leaves all through the winter, until the new ones push them off the following spring)

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